
Welcome to wonderful Room 12. We hope you will enjoy reading, listening and taking a look at what is happening in our classroom.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Solar Eclipse

What an exciting morning watching the Solar Eclipse. Who can tell us what happened?

Monday 29 October 2012

Ready Set Go Week 2

This week in Ready Set Go we were learning to balance with a solid base.  We had to balance so a buddy couldn't push us down.  Ask us what we did......

We had to make one solid shape and we all had to connect with each other

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Balancing Act

This term we are really lucky to have Kelly Sports working with us.

We will have a session every Monday for 8 weeks.  It is a good day to wear some gym shoes and outdoor sports clothes.

This week we were looking at different ways to balance.

You should be asked to try this at home as it was their homework!

Who can comment on what they are doing in one of the photos?

Holiday Brainstorming

This week we have been developing a recount of our holidays.

We spent 2 days drawing , talking and recording our ideas from the holidays.

We used a planning tool called a mind map.  These are in our writing books if you would like to come and have a look at them.

Today we started writing our story.  We are focusing on hooking our readers into our work by writing an interesting beginning.

When we made our mind maps we could use felts, crayons, pen, whiteboards and plasticine. We like to have choice in Rm 12.

Friday 14 September 2012

Symbols from different countries

As part of our inquiry we have been talking about how countries use symbols and colours to represent their cultures.  We have started a collection of images - JP has added a few well known symbols and colours from South Africa.  Could you add to our chart???

Symbols and Signs

It has been exciting to see where our inquiry has taken us this term.  We started with symbols of the Olympics and have carried onto New Zealand symbols.  I have enjoyed all the images, pictures and items you have come into the class with.

Thanks to Melita we have been able to write and talk about the large fern frongs..... they were amazing.
We have  sketched them and used the shape as the basis for our print making.

Our inquiry took another little turn when William and Kaylin came into class with some different native New Zealand plants.  In the photos below you can see some of the cuttings that Kaylin got from her grandmothers garden.  I wonder if you are able to find out any of the names of the plants?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Silver Fern

In these photos you can see us sketching a silver fern. We are looking at shape, size and lines.

"This is us sketching a New Zealand Fern" said Daisy.
"We have to look closely at the detail on the fern" said Maia
Amy said, " We have to look closely at the lines on it."

Monday 27 August 2012


We had lots of fun finding different textures to take a print off. We looked inside and outside, we even looked on ourselves.
" We are doing some patterns with crayon" said Gabi

How can we share?

Today I had a lovely fairy bread sandwich, I wanted to be able to share it evenly with a friend in the class. We talked about different ways I could cut it in half. We also worked out that we would need to make 10 sandwiches so we all were able to have half a sandwich each.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Rainbow Day

What a stunning looking group of children!!!

We certainly made all the colours of the rainbow.

Well done.

Friday 17 August 2012

Tally Marks

As part of our Olympic work we explored counting in groups of 5 using talley marks. Everyday we would update our medal table using talley marks.

You can continue to do this at home by counting in groups of 5. I wonder what interesting items you could find to count?

Thursday 16 August 2012


Today we read a book that was filled with warning signs. A few of us decided to create our own signs. Come in and read the book in our class.

Monday 30 July 2012

Sunday 29 July 2012

Symbols of the Olympics

Last week we spent time discussing and looking at the symbols of the Olympic Games.

Last week our focus was on the Olympic Rings, Mascotts and the New Zealand Flag.

This week we will look at the Olympic Flame.

In the photos below we are holding our Olympic biscuits that we decorated with our buddy class.

We had to put the rings in order of colour and position.

Monday 23 July 2012

Olympic Mascots

As part of our inquiry around the Olympic Games we have been talking about Olympic Symbols.  Mascots help to build excitement around the games.

The mascots for the London Olympics 2012 are Wenlock and Mandeville. We enjoyed watching the following videos on how they were developed and created.

You can learn more about the Mascots by clicking here

How about creating your own Mascot?

Mrs Ojala

Sunday 22 July 2012

Olympic Video

We enjoyed watching this video about the Olympic Games.

Discuss how many different sports you can see in the film.  We found 12 sports, did you find the same number?

Giant Olympic Rings around the UK - London 2012 Olympics

Symbols of the Olympics.

Last week we started to look at symbols that are part of the Olympic Games.  We talked about the Olympic flag and the rings on the flag.

We wanted to find out what the rings meant?  Why only 5 colours were used?

I wonder what Rm 12 children are able to find out about the rings?

Have a look at the photos in the link below - can you name any of the main attractions in the photos?  The rings are turning up everywhere.

Leave a comment about where you might put the rings if the Olympics were in Wellington.

Giant Olympic Rings around the UK - London 2012 Olympics

Monday 16 July 2012

Production Snap Shots

What a fantastic job Room 12 did in our production at the end of last term. The theme was around our Topic of Clothing and Recycling.

In class we talked about different types of fabric, recycling clothes and also weaving. We used all these elements in our handmade cloaks... They looked wonderful.


Friday 13 July 2012

Family History

Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a wonderful break and are getting ready for heading back to school.

This term we are going to be thinking about the Olympics.  Below is a little video in which I ask you to think about your family history.... who will you be supporting during the Olympics?  If you click on the picture of my face you will see a little video.

Mrs Ojala

Sunday 24 June 2012

Lovely Literacy

We have been writing our own recounts of The Emperor's New Clothes.

First we started with a group brainstorm and then we did our own flow charts. 

We used pictures and some words to record our ideas.

Over the past 2 days we have been writing our stories.  We used our flow chart to help us and we are trying to remember to use the topic word chart to help us find the extra words we need.

You can ask us about our stories. Ask us to retell you the story or come into the class and look in our writing books.

Friday 15 June 2012

The Emperor's New Clothes

This week we have read and watched a couple of different versions of the fable "The Emperor's New Clothes".   We have been exploring the characters in the story and what the story could mean.   I wonder what message you think this story is sharing with us???

 Here is one of the most popular versions

Monday 11 June 2012

The Emperor's New Clothes

This week we are exploring the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.  We are looking at this story because we are learning about clothes and fabric.

Today after reading the story we broke up into small groups to write down some of our ideas about how we would describe the Emperor.  We worked so well in our groups and each of us were able to add an idea to our chart.  If you are in our classroom come and have a look at them.

We are learning how to describe characters in a story.  You could ask us about this at home.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Star Wars Hits Silverstream School

Here are a couple of shots from our Star Wars day.
What an amazing effort the children went to in dressing up for the special occasion.  Well done everyone!


Thursday 7 June 2012

Surprise for Room 12

Room 12 had an amazing surprise today. Daisy came to school with a large sports bag.  We wondered what on earth could be in her bag!  She kept it a secret till news time and then....... out came.....

                                                                     MOO COW

Daisy had gone to SaveMart over the weekend and found Moo Cow.  She shared with us how she took Moo Cow home and gave it a really good clean and wash.

The Money Man

We had a really fun visit from the ASB Money Man. He talked to use about learning to save our money and think about needs vs wants. He told us the story a little fish.... I wonder who can remember that story? We also talked about the value of money. We put the coins and notes in order.