
Welcome to wonderful Room 12. We hope you will enjoy reading, listening and taking a look at what is happening in our classroom.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Solar Eclipse

What an exciting morning watching the Solar Eclipse. Who can tell us what happened?

Monday 29 October 2012

Ready Set Go Week 2

This week in Ready Set Go we were learning to balance with a solid base.  We had to balance so a buddy couldn't push us down.  Ask us what we did......

We had to make one solid shape and we all had to connect with each other

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Balancing Act

This term we are really lucky to have Kelly Sports working with us.

We will have a session every Monday for 8 weeks.  It is a good day to wear some gym shoes and outdoor sports clothes.

This week we were looking at different ways to balance.

You should be asked to try this at home as it was their homework!

Who can comment on what they are doing in one of the photos?

Holiday Brainstorming

This week we have been developing a recount of our holidays.

We spent 2 days drawing , talking and recording our ideas from the holidays.

We used a planning tool called a mind map.  These are in our writing books if you would like to come and have a look at them.

Today we started writing our story.  We are focusing on hooking our readers into our work by writing an interesting beginning.

When we made our mind maps we could use felts, crayons, pen, whiteboards and plasticine. We like to have choice in Rm 12.

Friday 14 September 2012

Symbols from different countries

As part of our inquiry we have been talking about how countries use symbols and colours to represent their cultures.  We have started a collection of images - JP has added a few well known symbols and colours from South Africa.  Could you add to our chart???

Symbols and Signs

It has been exciting to see where our inquiry has taken us this term.  We started with symbols of the Olympics and have carried onto New Zealand symbols.  I have enjoyed all the images, pictures and items you have come into the class with.

Thanks to Melita we have been able to write and talk about the large fern frongs..... they were amazing.
We have  sketched them and used the shape as the basis for our print making.

Our inquiry took another little turn when William and Kaylin came into class with some different native New Zealand plants.  In the photos below you can see some of the cuttings that Kaylin got from her grandmothers garden.  I wonder if you are able to find out any of the names of the plants?