
Welcome to wonderful Room 12. We hope you will enjoy reading, listening and taking a look at what is happening in our classroom.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Rainbow Day

What a stunning looking group of children!!!

We certainly made all the colours of the rainbow.

Well done.


  1. This is us on rainbow day. We are having so much fun. I got to go up on stage because my class voted for me .hollly had 5 votes but I had 6 it was the best day on rainbow day. I voted for my friend Gabby, because she was was really bright and my friend Eva gave me a picture of rainbow day, and I really liked it. By Daisy

  2. Great comment Daisy - love your ideas.
    Mrs Ojala

  3. This is me siting by mrs ojala's knee. I voted for Holly, she was colourful. By Maia.

  4. I really enjoyed rainbow day because there was lots of colours.My favourite colour is pink, this colour is not in the rainbow. By Charlotte

  5. I'm glad on rainbow day we could wear any colour... it is amazing how many people did wear pink.

  6. Enjoyed rainbow day there were so many colours. By Xander
