
Welcome to wonderful Room 12. We hope you will enjoy reading, listening and taking a look at what is happening in our classroom.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Silver Fern

In these photos you can see us sketching a silver fern. We are looking at shape, size and lines.

"This is us sketching a New Zealand Fern" said Daisy.
"We have to look closely at the detail on the fern" said Maia
Amy said, " We have to look closely at the lines on it."


  1. this is a picture of jp sketching a silver fern really carefully. He had to do it two times because he thought his first one wasnt that good. I thought it was really good.

  2. Thanks for your comment Jake, I agree he did a great sketch. He is working hard to see all the different lines. Mrs Ojala

  3. i enjoyed drawing silver ferns. from xander

  4. This is us tracing a silver fern we had to look at all of the ferns coming out of it. The hardest bit for me was tracing and looking at it very carefully. When I looked at everyone elses theirs were really good too. From Eva
