Term 4
Week 9
EOTC Week. Our activities start at 10.30 each day and go through until lunch. Please ensure that on the bush walk days your child is wearing appropriate footwear. Many Thanks
Any parent help this week is appreciated!
We still have some over due library books, can you please have an extra hunt at home to locate these.
Many of our reading books are being return this week. If your child does not bring home a school reader please hear them read a book that they already have at home.
Week 7
Monday Teacher Only
Thursday and Friday - Tennis Coaching
We have been working with our buddy class on small items to present to each other this week. Please ask your child if they need to bring any props along to school for this on Friday.
EOTC (Education Outside of the Classroom) is approaching fast! Please let me know if you can help out for any of the activities. Thank You.
Week 5
Monday Ready Set Go - Our focus is small balls - catching
Tuesday - School closes at 12.30 NZEI National Meeting
Scooter Day 15th November. Helmets must be worn, gold coin donation
Friday - Sausage Sizzle PTA note and money to be returned to school
Math Focus
We are continuing to work with money - adding coins and notes. Your child would have come home last week with 2 money dice. Ask them how to play the money game.
Week 3
Focus for literacy is based around growing plants: How to write a procedure
Monday 11.30 - Ready, Steady, Go
Wednesday Junior School Assembly
Week 2
Don't forget to check out the calendar art near the office - Great ideas for Christmas giftsSpelling notebooks will come home on Tuesday
Poetry books to be returned at the beginning of the week ready for Friday
This week we are going to be working in mixed groups from rooms 10,13 and 15. Our inquiry is around planning a "good discovery time"
Tuesday Mrs Ojala on release
Friday - Whole school assembly
Would love an extra pair of hands at discovery time if anyone is free (Friday morning)
Term 3
Week 10
In maths we are continuing to explore 1/2 and 1/4 turns. You need to be able to tell your left from your right.Wednesday is Ruby Day. We will have a shared lunch to say goodbye to Ruby and also wear something that is ruby in colour. As part of this day we will be sharing a personal achievement such as a trophy, certificate or medal (only 1 per child please).
Friday - Buddy Plays 11.10 in Room 21 (you are welcome to attend)
Friday .... the day before the Gala. Please bring in those cakes and sweets.
Publishing - If you are able to help out with some publishing this week, please come and see me.
Big Ideas within the class: Symbols and Colours from different countries, Native New Zealand plants, Symbols of New Zealand
Week 9
P.J. Week. Fundraising for Foster Families. Friday is wear your P.J's to school for a gold coin donation.
We will be going to the library on Thursday this week not Friday.
On Friday we will be preforming our plays with our buddy class. Any extra items your child wants to wear will need to be brought into school by Friday.
Wednesday evening 7pm Parent Information Session. The focus of this session is around how you can support your children's reading at home.
Week 7
It is nearly over....
Friday is Yellow Day to support Daffodil Day. If you would like to buy a cancer society flower please send along a gold coin donation.
Spelling - This week I have been retesting and setting up a new classroom spelling programme. Spelling notebooks will come home next week as usual. If your child continues to be given words that they have had in previous weeks this means that they are not using knowledge of this word in their daily writing.
At home you can make spelling fun by using a variety of different ways to record their words:
on the computer
- made out of block or lego
- Cut letters and words out of magazines
- using chalk or plastic letters
Week 6
RAINBOW WEEK: What an exciting week ahead, each day we will see a sea of house colours. Come dressed up on your day.
Monday Gloucester
Tuesday Whitemans
Wednesday Gard
Thursday Chatsworth
Friday Rainbow Day.... Wear all the colours of the rainbow.
Mrs Ojala will not be teaching Wednesday this week.
Week 4
Olympic focus: symbols (New Zealand Silver Fern and team uniform)Medal count using tally marks
Sharing ideas and exciting news from the olympics
Continued discussion around Olympic Motto and Values
Print making
Spelling - Sent home on Monday
Homework sheet: Focus the Silver Fern, this is due next Tuesday.
School Assembly Friday
Library Day: Friday
We are working on presenting a play with our buddy class
Would love some parent help this week if you have any free time, let me know what suits.
Week 3
Olympic Focus
Symbols of the Olympics - Flame, Medals, Flags
Olympic Motto and Values of the Olympics - How we can relate them to our lives
Medal count using tally marks. We will be counting by 2's and 5's.
Fantastic spelling effort last week - I'm sure nearly everyone can now spell "Olympic".
We have a wall of Olympic words and vocab - the children will need to use these as a resource when writing this week.
Come into the class and see our ever growing Olympic Environment.
Week 2
Olympic Focus
Symbols of the Olympics
Colours - How countries use colours to celebrate their culture and history
Spelling - This week our focus is on key words releated to the Olympic Games. We will be using these words in our writing.
Please return all highlighted spelling sheets sent home over the holidays.
Tuesday: Mrs Ojala will be on release
We have PMP on Monday and Thursday this week.
We will be folk dancing on Tuesday
Homework will take a slightly different focus over the next couple of weeks as we jump into learning about the Olympics. A homework sheet will be sent home which encourages you to spend time with your child exploring some of the elements of the games.
Library Day
Whole School Assembly
Have you explored our Wiki link tab on the blog home page? Try out a math or languge game.
Week 10
It is all on this week! We will be preforming our show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week - so it will be a big one. Lets hope our costumes stay together for the final show on Thursday night.
Share lunch- As the term is nearing to an end we would like to be able to say goodbye to Ruby. Ruby and her family are heading off to Auckland. If you could supply a plate for a shared lunch on Wednesday that would be wonderful.
Thursday - Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Friday - We will be watching Fantastic Mr Fox with our buddy class. We have been sharing the novel together as part of our buddy time on a Friday.
Reading books will only come home Monday and Tuesday. Please continue to read at home using your own books or take the opportunity to explore books from the library.
Week 9
Production ALL GO!!!
Monday: Cape Making - 9 -.10.30 (any help appreciated)
11-12pm Box Painting for show (any volunteers?)
Sausage Sizzle Notice Due Wednesday 20th June
Thursday/Friday Mrs Ojala away in Christchurch on Professional Development. Rebecca Routhan will be teaching,
By the end of this week would love to see all the Learning Summary Sheet Folders back at school.
Thank You
Week 7
Monday is teacher only day
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